The Condit Parent Teacher Organization (PTO) supports many enriching activities that directly benefit each of our kids. Without the time, effort, and financial support from parents and staff, the committees below and the activities they encompass would not exist. Each committee requires parent volunteers, both to chair and assist; some need only 1 volunteer, others require many. The committees typically require a 1-2 year commitment. Please find an activity that interests you and consider where you can give your time and talent to Condit.
Art Car
Chairs and students are led by Ms. Camero in decorating the Art Car for the Houston Art Car Parade. The Chairs help Ms. Camero secure supplies and volunteers to help decorate and coordinate parade logistics. Season: Spring, heavy focus 1 month prior
Birthday Yard Sign Committee
Six different options of Birthday Yard Signs are available through the Condit PTO for $50. Chairs will store and manage signs, coordinate delivery and pick up of yard signs with instructions. Together the chairs will manage the calendar for Birthday Yard sign requests. Birthday yard signs are available on a first-come, first-served basis with two weeks' notice, and may not be delivered during HISD holidays. Delivery is available within the Condit school zone, and arrangements can be made for the pickup and drop-off of items outside of the Condit zone. Season: Year Round, school days only (or schedule determined by Chair(s)
Book Fair
Responsible for working with a book fair company (ie., Scholastic, Literati) to plan and execute 2 one-week-long Book Fairs (Fall and Spring) for students and families. A portion of proceeds goes back to Condit PTO. Chairs are responsible for corresponding with the book fair company, getting volunteers to set up/take down, greet Condit shoppers, be cashiers, coordinate Teacher Wish Lists and assist students in finding age-appropriate books. In addition to the Book Fair, this committee will plan special activities to help engage families, such as a "Family Night" event, where teachers take turns reading books to students, or an evening with food trucks, where students and parents can have dinner, socialize and shop. Season: Fall and Spring, daily needs for 1 week in each season
Booster is one of the PTO’s annual fundraisers. This committee works with Booster staff to negotiate the contract, organize the event, coordinate daily fundraising goals, distribute daily prizes, and secure volunteers. Season: Spring, daily needs for 2 weeks leading up to the event
Celebration Helpers
Responsible for helping out around various holidays throughout the year such as Halloween (collecting, distributing and organizing costumes; collecting candy and donating it), Thanksgiving (ordering and distributing pies to all staff), First and Last Days of School (decor), and Admin Birthdays. They will also coordinate campus level recognition for HISD holidays such as School Nurse's Day and Principal Day. Season: Year Round, Seasonal
Chicken Coop
Works with Mrs. Rogers and Mrs. Tomlinson to organize and coordinate care and supply needs for the on campus chickens and chicken coop. Season: Year Round
Condit Fri-Yay
Manages selling snow cones, popcorn, or other treats after school on Fridays at least twice a month. A reliable committee is needed here to help with set up, serving and clean up. Chairs also work the Meet the Teacher Committee to coordinate a treat at the event, as well as with school store, and other committees that may want a table on the blacktop for certain Fri-Yay afternoons to promote their activity. Season: Year Round, required availability Fridays from 2:00-4:00 PM
Condit Spirit Events
Plans approximately one event per month at local restaurants or businesses, with a portion of the proceeds going back to Condit PTO. This committee promotes the culture and community at Condit by providing opportunities for families to eat or shop together. Season: Monthly
Dad's Club
Organizes social events such as happy hours, poker parties and volunteer projects for Condit dads. They manage the set-up and removal of flags for IFest. The purpose of this committee is to promote community among the Condit Dads. Season: Year Round
Fall Carnival
Plans the activities, ticket sales, food, etc. for this fun event, typically held the Saturday before Halloween. Preparation for the Fall Carnival begins at the end of the previous school year when the committee aims to secure all vendors. Season: Fall, heavy time commitment 1 month prior to event and daily needs 2 weeks prior
Plans a fun evening for parents and teachers that helps raise money through ticket sales and auction items donated to the school. The committee chairs typically divide gala duties, one chair manages auction details and the other chair handles marketing, event decor and ticket sales. Season: Spring, with preparation beginning at the end of the previous year
Green Generations
This committee is responsible for planting and maintaining Condit Gardens including the large raised beds in the front of the school, a smaller pre-K garden near the Condit chicken coop, and surrounding areas including benches, tree stumps, and pavers. The committee sells plants at the Condit Book Fair, has a table at the Condit STEAM event, maintains composting efforts, and plans an Earth Day activity. Season: Year Round
Green & White Days
For Green & White Days the entire school is divided into two teams— green and white—and classes participate in outdoor races or challenges for some friendly competition. The committee helps Coach Johnson prepare for the event, orders Field Day shirts, organizes volunteers, coordinates a treat during the day Friday, and ensures the kids have a fun and safe experience. Season: Spring, focus 1 month prior to event
Health & Safety Supplies
Provides basic safety supplies for classrooms, including water and snacks, for use in the unlikely event of a delay in dismissal or HISD ordered shelter-in-place situation. Also provides hygiene products for Nurse Hall's 4th and 5th grade health presentations. Details are coordinated with Nurse Hall.
Provide refreshments for special events throughout the year such as PTO Meetings, New Parent Orientation, Volunteer Breakfast, Fitness with Friends, and Kindergarten Tours. Chairs purchase and serve refreshments and get reimbursed by the PTO or delegate committee members to do so. Season: Year Round
Interior Display
Update the interior displays and bulletin boards to keep the space relevant and interesting. Displays should be refreshed at the beginning of the school year, prior to the first day of school. Theme to be approved by admin.
- Large board outside the cafeteria
- PTO board outside the storeTeacher/Staff Board across from mailboxes
- Trophy Display case
- Bulletin board updates coordinated with grade-level leads as needed. Season: Year Round
International Festival
Condit’s diversity is one of its greatest strengths, and nowhere is this diversity on display more than at IFest. The IFest committee organizes a fun afternoon/evening event that in the past has included a Parade of Nations, cultural entertainment and a variety of food trucks with international foods. Chairs also organize family volunteers to set up display tables showcasing the highlights of their country. The committee will coordinate with the Dad's Club to install and remove flags around the school fence line. Season: Jan/Feb, heavy 2 month preparation
Kickball Tournament 4th vs. 5th
This committee, along with Coach Johnson, organizes parent volunteers to help set-up and run this highly anticipated event on a Friday after school. Chairs also design and print team shirts for all participating kids. Season: Spring
Kinder Summer Socials
Organizes a social once per month in June, July, and August over the summer for incoming kindergarteners and their families to get to know each other. Season: Summer
Library Volunteers
Serve as point of contact with Mrs. Silva and coordinate the weekly schedule, which ideally should be a set schedule. Build a committee to fill the Library Volunteering schedule. Library Volunteering is a weekly 1-hour commitment for the school year. Volunteers help Mrs. Silva by shelving books returned by the students. Mrs. Silva will provide training at start of school year. Season: Year Round
Marketing & Design Manager
This is a position for someone with a light graphic design background. Knowledge of the app Canva is very helpful as well. The Chair is responsible for assisting with the creation of Dojo posts and Condit Happening posts for all committees. Season: Year Round, with work being done on your own time
Meet the Teacher
This committee coordinates the Meet the Teacher event where students and parents meet their teachers, purchase school supplies, sign up for PTO and enjoy a treat while visiting with school friends. Season: Spring/Summer, focus in April/May and 2 weeks before school starts.
Name That Book, K-2
Name That Book is a district-wide competition focused on acquainting students with classic and contemporary literature through reading comprehension and memorization. The Committee Chair will coordinate parent volunteer coaches who work with the students to prepare the team by reading and studying books. The Chair will also coordinate the beginning of the year information session. Condit typically has two teams: one for grades Kindergarten-2nd and one for grades 3-5 (older team chaired by Condit librarian Mrs. Silva). Season: Year Round, weekly practices required September through March
Odyssey of the Mind
OOTM student teams work together to solve problems geared toward promoting creativity, teamwork skills, and knowledge. Teams compete against area schools, and if successful, can advance to regional, state, and national competitions. Parent coaches cannot participate in the problem solving, only guide the students forward. At least one chair is necessary plus a reliable committee member to lead each team. Condit can have one or more teams depending on interest. Season: Year Round
School Spirit Store
The School Spirit Store plans to be open every Friday for students to buy school-related items such as pens, pencils, clothing, cups, hats, etc. The store is staffed by committee members. The School Spirit Store handles the printing and purchasing of all new merchandise and field trip shirts for all grades. Chairs should be willing to learn how to edit websites, POS management and troubleshooting, design editing skills, inventory control, order and inventory management, and product control. Season: Year Round
School Supplies
Prepackaged school supplies for the following school year may be purchased online through the PTO in the Spring, or at Meet The Teacher prior to the first day of school. This provides consistency of supplies and convenience for families as they prepare for the next year. Committee chairs are responsible for meeting with grade-level leads in the Spring to make sure the supply kits are correct for the upcoming school year. This committee manages the distribution of supplies to teachers prior to the first day of school. They are also responsible for ordering agendas, specialty notebooks and recorders. Throughout the year, this committee also makes sure teachers are stocked with supplies for new students and tissues for the classroom. Season: Year Round, most of the work 2 weeks prior to school starting
Science Fair
Each spring the Science Fair committee coordinates the judging of the 3rd-5th grade Science Fair projects. Chairs are in charge of securing the many volunteers who are needed to judge the individual and group entries for each grade. All projects are presented online in Google slides. Season: Spring
Foster an even stronger parent community within Condit through family-focused and/or parent-only social events. Events include: Mom's & Mimosas at the '401, Welcome Picnic, Fall/Spring Social, Gingerbread House Social and PTO Holiday Party .This is a great role for parents who enjoy planning a fun night out or activity for all to enjoy. Season: Year Round
Staff Appreciation
Each month, this committee hosts a faculty and staff breakfast, luncheon or treat to show appreciation for the wonderful job they do each day. The committee also maintains the Teachers’ Lounge and makes sure that it is clean and filled with supplies for teachers on a monthly basis. This requires one day a month in which they will have to be available either 7am-10am for breakfast or 9:30-1:00 lunch. Season: Year Round, monthly availability to serve breakfast, lunch or treat
Student Enrichment
Organizes special speakers or events that benefit kids of all grade levels. This Chair works with the principal to organize approximately 5 events per year. Examples: Chair can coordinate with current events (e.g., a rodeo-related event or Go Texan Day) or cultural performances, plays or magic shows. Season: Year Round, minimal time commitment
University Interscholastic League (UIL)
The University Interscholastic League provides educational extracurricular academic, athletic, and musical contests. UIL provides academic competitions in many areas at the elementary level such as essay writing, debate, and number sense. A committee of reliable parent volunteers is needed to help run each category of competition. Season: Year Round, large time commitment lasting the entire year
Coordinate with Jostens to create scheduling deadlines, manage price promotions, order yearbooks, and review invoices and future contracts. Chairs also manage marketing, sales, and yearbook distribution. Committee members assist with photographing school events, obtaining student and class photos for the image library, managing administrative tasks necessary to complete the yearbook, and designing and laying out the yearbook pages. This is a great job for someone who loves taking pictures and doing light graphic design work. **This year we are looking for multiple chairs, and for one of the Chairs to have editing and light graphic design background**. Season: Year Round, with work to be done throughout the year
- Monday, March 3
- Wednesday, March 5
- Thursday, March 6
- Friday, March 7
- Monday, March 10
- Tuesday, March 11
- Wednesday, March 12
- Thursday, March 13
- Friday, March 14
- Monday, March 17
- Tuesday, March 18
- Wednesday, March 19
- Thursday, March 20